Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Quote of the day; 4/11/13

 If "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". Than this sincerely sadden's me, because it means others have either lost or have never found their individuality. I'd rather be respected for my individuality than flattered by followers. 

By Meriale46~ (C) April 11,2013-All Rights Reserved

So today is the first time I've ever used a blog. I named my Blog "All Blogs go to Heaven"because I believe everything we think, write or say is closely monitored by our loving Angels and those who have passed on to glory before us. I think they must read these blog's and sit around sipping tea, or coffee nibbling of yummy treats discussing how screwed up we all are. Parents are discussing where they went wrong, while our guardian Angels discuss whose turn it is to make sure we don't do something stupid to kill ourselves. They must be exhausted from all the sudden and unexpected interruptions during break time to come and pull our a**es out of the fire (so to speak) so we don't get burned by our big mouths, stupid ideas ( 'Hey Joe' Let's take this raft and use it to slide down the side of a mountain) or make all those bad relationship decisions...  I know I've done my fair share of messing up thing's and relationships in my life. But after years of turning the same corners over and over again I decided it just may be time to let my Guardian Angel take the wheel and drive for a while. Just long enough to get my head and health issues together. So there you have it, my new Blog... Something to look forward to when I wake up in the morning. Updating total strangers on the mundane issues of my dull and boring life. 

 Dear Blog, 
              Today I woke up, sat around on my butt Facebook'ing with all the other drones. Ate, chatted with my kid and tried to make sense out of my 'So Called Life"... Please stand by for further updates..  Have a great night.. Sincerely, ME